Thursday 14 February 2019

One more Gravity Glitch

Yogi shows us a case in which weight, attraction to the centre of earth, and position or movement of the body cannot explain the abnormality in the action of gravity. 

The centre of earth seems to have been bombed recently, but we are still standing, and walking on earth as if nothing has happened. 

In fact, the axis of earth is moving...also no effects on the way we see each other walking on the surface or anything else. 

Gas brings to us the information that gas, light, and sound, all can make things levitate. Then magnetic fields has the same effect: Magnetic.

The Russians ran interesting experiments: partial death or deep meditation led to the levitation of the own 'experimenter', and there they got traumatised, and stopped all. 

This is on page 166 of the thesis that you access through the link.

It seems that if you forget you are alive, you can fly, so that maybe the soul forgets that there is a body attached to it, and does 'its normal thing'. 

Perhaps a baby does not have awareness of the presence of a body, but they don't fly. 

Perhaps, if put in the Set of the Russian Mirrors, they will...

If it is the eyesight that makes us aware of the presence of the human body, a baby left without a container around it, so say the IVF ones, but without the vitro, would fly a little. 

If not, a possible thesis is that they don't have a soul yet. 

Notice that regardless that means our bodies are not attracted to the centre of earth: that has to be delusion. 

Awareness could mean alignment of spheres of some sort, perhaps energy alignment, and therefore we have 'different powers' depending on the electric alignment we impose to our body through the 'acidity' of our thinking. 

It is possible that extreme connection to a person, to the point of 'merging', makes us become light as a feather if we are being carried by them. 

It is common, in such cases, that light contact with the ends of the body parts, so say fingers, brings 'little shocks' for those who are involved. It seems that it has to do with electricity or some sort of energy. In any hypothesis, alignment of energetic nature. In this case, it would be expected that we can fly like the birds, for this sufficing that we align ourselves with their energy. 

There are humans that grew up amongst animals, and they do seem to acquire some undeniable similarity to those, to the point of doing all they do in the way they do. Perhaps we could put some more effort in observing this metamorphic capacity of humans...

So, gravity may as well be 'awareness of the presence of a human body', and just that. 

p. 153, same thesis

What if spirits are what Hubbard seemed to think they were, so possessors. They could then be something like Alien, which we must combat or will turn us into monsters. 

In demoniac possession, therefore something that is against our will, the spirit takes over, just like we could say has happened to the lady when she finally spoke to the voices that accompanied her, or with the guy who did not find his own end in the mirrors, therefore experienced partial death, and so on. 

We could then imagine another race taking over our bodies at that stage, but it seems that we keep the power of decision somehow: Doctor Garfield says that we can swap bad gifts for good ones, so that we do have some power even during those moments, which could be regarded as spiritual possession.

We could also say that, when there is total death, they took over in full...

Anima Est seems to indicate some sort of domination via dreams, and it is possible that spirits or ETs keep contact with us like that. 

It seems that we feel happier, not more unhappy, with this contact, and it also seems that it does us good in terms of race. 

That does include warnings about major catastrophes (premonitory dreams, Anima Est). 

According to the Seicho-no-ie, it suffices that we think for the thing to start materialising, to start becoming true. 

What if instead of premonition we have group spiritual interaction during dream-time, and we then decide on those catastrophes becoming events or not? 

Regardless, the demoniacally possessed still flies well above the ground, and therefore there is no force in the centre of earth for that one...

Until someone proves, using a piece of Science, say energy, that there is another presence in that room, where the demoniacally possessed are flying, gravity as we know it is a delusion. 

People do frequently witness priests casting the devils away, just like Jesus is told to have done, and they do that through prayers, invocations, and all else. If we cannot prove that there is another entity in that room, then it may as well be that the prayers 'put the body of the person' in the right 'alignment' again, just like it is done with our cars: they get their tyres aligned... In the same way, the guitar gets tuned...


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Tuesday 22 January 2019

Other Planets

Novelty is that we have found complex planetary formations away from earth, so that there is actually a lot of hope for the plan 'move out with your crowd, find another Globe'.

That was certainly my personal plan in 2001. 

Shame what actually happened...

Our bodies should be protected against criminal harm. 

Our heads, our genitalia, our organisms, our minds, and our souls would have to be ultra personal, and protected by all available means against violation, illegal possession, unwanted intrusion, and so on. 

In Anima Est, I attempt to present arguments as to why hypnosis, and subliminals should be banned from our species. 

God is God, and set us totally free to choose even between Him, and the devil. 

No human being could take away our freedom of being: Personal Integrity, Hubbard, always!

"What is true for you is what you have observed yourself. And when you lose that, you have lost everything"

(Lafayette Ronald) Hubbard's

Kepler is a NASA telescope, and mission. 

2,335 planets found so far by Kepler. Sister solar planet to earth is Trappist-1, 7 planets orbiting around its star. 

The narrator says 'no evidence on breakthrough', and we then feel sad that scientists, so far, don't think that those who can simply correctly communicate their findings should be included in Academia somewhere, so those who have PhDs in Mathematics, but, for some reason, cannot find support for their research, and have then acquired practice or formal knowledge on Marketing, Communication, or Propaganda. 

The finding of Trappist-1 is per se a breakthrough, and there not only the ignorance of the narrator, but the subliminal power of the lessers over all of us: the populace starts thinking that finding new star systems is nothing.

Some of us would have spent life looking for one of those after going through many years of formal instruction, exams, and even supervised practice, and, even so, would never find anything.

As I said, already in 2001, to Trevor Skinner, people should be instructed on the 'steps to Mastering Earth' that each one of us takes, so on the last exploded DFD ball of the system involved, if you are a System Analyst. 

What we want is that the commoner get a precise idea of how much labour is involved for us to get a 'small' finding, 'not even a breakthrough', according to the unqualified narrator.

We want Seicho thinking everywhere: every drop of labour matters. 

Then Marxist thinking: more given to those who more produce, either in meaning or in quality. 

This is the Solar System (9 planets orbiting around a star, our Sun):


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Saturday 5 January 2019

Contra Physics

In Mathematics, it suffices one counter-example for the theory to be put down. It is to wonder why Physics would insist on this ones...


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Gravity Glitches

Places where the car is dragged up instead of down, this if you don't have a driver in it...


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Saturday 8 September 2018

Gravity: Balls and Water brings more on our current theories on gravity.

Physics, perhaps allied to Chemistry at least sometimes, has explained this in a much more rational way: transference of energy (potential to kinetic), and spin number. 

The "little ball" that gets no effort from his hands behaves just like the "big ball".

About the toilet flushing: we first create vacuum, then the water spins like that. 

The secret is in the action we impose, just like the relationship involving energy, his hands, and the little ball. 


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Sunday 11 May 2014

GRAVITY: A little twinkle

Gravity is defined in Physics this way:

"The force of gravity is the force with which the earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts another object towards itself. By definition, this is the weight of the object. All objects upon earth experience a force of gravity that is directed "downward" towards the center of the earth. The force of gravity on earth is always equal to the weight of the object as found by the equation:

Fgrav = m * g
where g = 9.8 N/kg (on Earth) and m = mass (in kg)"

(Gravity, Physics, class)

There is a problem with this definition: 

 "is the force with which the earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts another object towards itself"

Intuitively, we know this is not true.

We build a ball as large as we can build, put lots of things inside of it, even rocks, and nothing is attracted to it: we fall close to it, and our trajectory is not deviated to over it.

If we try to do that with a small object, the same happens.

Some then argue that that is because the earth is more massive, and therefore wins The Battle of Forces.

Some people associate gravity with something in the center of earth that pulls us to it (to the center of earth) as well.

Our imagination has already led us there, and we then made movies, such as  The Core

We theorise that, if we could build vests or vehicles that could cope with the heat inside of the core, we would be able to cross it, and go to the other side.

What makes us be on the surface of earth is not a force that comes from the core of it...

Rather the contrary: The force that keeps us on the earth's surface, instead of floating or flying, comes from outside of it, from the layers of air around, that is, from the concentric circles of air around the earth.

Proofs are not missing: The moon is also massive, and we cannot stick to its surface in the same way we do here (Walking On The Moon). Why? Does it not have a core? Perhaps it is a cold one? 

We normally would almost fly on the moon...


"If they tried to take normal steps, they would fly up into the air to far and fall over – that did happen a few times."

This all is because there is no air around the moon or the air is way less dense there, and therefore the concentric circles cannot produce the same impact.

One detail then and this definition is OK, scientifically speaking: Gravity is a force created by the concentric layers of air over the objects, us included.

Were it in the sea, we would call this force ATM, which is the right thinking (Atmospheric Pressure).

Perhaps we have to adapt things to explain all, but it has to be true that the core attracts nothing itself. 

Because of the solid material forming earth, we are stopped from falling. 

If the earth did not exist, we would fall... 

On the other hand, take the core out of earth. 

We think we are sure that we would still be standing on the planet, so that the core is not what keeps us on its surface, full stop.

Our top space scientists, from NASA, seem to be saying, on Air On The Moon, that the amount of atmosphere around the moon is equivalent to vacuum for us, like on earth. 

Upon reading their article, we notice that they mention that, as for what they currently know, there is no Oxygen and Hydrogen in the moon's atmosphere. 

In the same article, however, they talk about drops of water. Oh, well, whoever is OK in Chemistry would know that, in the same way we need a man and a woman (so far) to generate a human, we need both Hydrogen and Oxygen to generate any amount of water, so... . 

Trivially, it cannot be the case that we have terraquean vacuum around the moon.

This way, our suggestion seems to be winning (so far). 

Inspiration: Apples and Newton

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